
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Food for thought

To celebrate my friends Thermomix purchase (YAY!!) I thought I would gather a few recipes for us all to have a think about.....

We may yet have lasagne again!

Wraps, for those that are gluten challenged 

Lunchbox treats with a bit of healthy thrown in

It really is the best ever carrot cake!

Risotto with Brie in it... genius!

A great resource...for me anyway!

I have to give this one a go

Homemade bread just got a bit more useful!

4 Oranges made into juice. Peel, whiz the crap out of them (chill) and drink :)

Happy Cooking! 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

All purpose Satay recipe

I love Satay.  Really. Really. Really

Do you think tastes are genetic? ?
My brother (hi Luke!!!) and I  have very similar tastes. We hate tomatoes, love chocolate pudding and love love love satay (There's a whole bunch of other tastes that are the same too)
It strikes me as strange that we can be so alike, what's a weeny bit stranger is that our partners have the same gross tastes, like oysters and cups of tea! 

Anyway,  a lack of cooking mojo today led me to cook my favorite.  Announcing loudly ' I am cooking Satay,  it's my favorite and I don't care of anyone doesn't like it!  '  you know how it goes...sometimes you need to make a stand.

This is a great recipe that I have been cooking for about 20 years,  another of my simple and practical standard dishes.
I have always done it on the stove top,  but I did it in thermie today with no problems. 

Add to your saucepan or thermie all of the following ingredients
2 tbsp honey
1 cup of chicken stock
1 tsp of coriander (the dry variety not the green!)
1/2 tsp cumin
2 tsp curry powder
1/2 cup of peanut butter
1 tsp of crushed ginger
Splash of soy
Squeeze of lemon

Cook up until it's thick and simmering.
In thermie I winged it a little and used varoma temp, sp 2 for 5 or so minutes I think.
It comes up quite thick,  great for dipping or spreading on kebabs. I normally thin it a little with water and mix in some cooked chicken and veg and serve over rice.  

I love rice.  Really. Really... so does my brother! 

Happy Cooking!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Jamies meatballs & Thermomix fudge

I do love having like minded friends and I am feeling particularly grateful for them today.  I am dedicating today's post to Andrea and Donna.  Andrea gave me very helpful polenta advice and Donna said ' Hey Jacq,  you gotta try this fudge!' Ladies, thank you xx

Today I chose to try Jamie Oliver's Meatballs Alla Norma recipe here, mostly done without the thermomix, although Thermie made making the polenta that went with it a breeze.
I tried to stick to the recipe.  I promise I tried.  But it wasn't going to happen..... 

  • Firstly I doubled the whole recipe to feed 5 of us, theres meatballs left over but no polenta ( I used the recipe from the EDC for the polenta!) 
  • Next he suggested to roll the meatballs in fennel seeds, I just knew this would offend my children's palettes so I chose to just add them into the meatballs and I didn't use double.
  • I also added an egg white to the meatballs to make sure they stayed together (and I didn't use my hands I used the kitchen aide to mix it) 
I trundled along with the rest of the recipe as per the instructions.  My other thoughts are. . Eggplant, surely something that needs to be de-yuckified with salt etc can be replaced for the sake of simplicity,  it's not that yummy anyway (I picked most of it out) perhaps zucchini would be a good replacement. 
I liked the saucy bit a lot,  I think it could be awesome with just mince (or all veg) like a spag bog type of arrangement on top of the polenta.  Those meatballs took too long...

Keeping it real for you.....yes this is how I ate my dinner. Holiday chaos has taken over!

Oooooh and I made fudge!! Danger, danger Will Robinson! 
I was way too easy and it wayyyyyy too yummy! 
Thermie makes everything that you have to stir constantly so damn easy. This is no exception.

So you need condensed milk for the recipe, I make my own  using my fav recipe here.
The fudge recipe you will find here
The hardest part is waiting for it to set in the fridge.... 

Best you give some away as a gift, otherwise you'll eat it all yourself! 

'Happy Cooking!' 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Lets talk about bread

Anyone that knows me personally knows that bread is my 'thing'. I've been making it since my first child was born.  It all began with a 2nd hand breadmaker, but when that died I made it all by hand.  These days I have a kitchenaid that I bought for the purpose of bread making and it does a fine job. 
But if you're here is probably because you have a Thermie, not a kitchenaid.
I love love love it when I find out someone has ventured into making their own bread.  I feel immensely proud and thrilled for them.  Its easy,  its yummy & its bloody cheap.
So I am going to share with you my basic bread recipe that I have thermied, but if you happen to not own one yet, message me and we will chat. I am always happy to convert someone to the bread making side!  

OK let's get to it
* Its from this recipe that the majority of my breads are based on* 
Like some of my other recipes this one can be flexible, but only parts of it.  It is important to always have the correct weight in water and flour. This guarantees you more consistent loaf. All the other stuff just changes the flavour, except the yeast but you can go either way a bit with no dramatic changes. 
Begin by weighing 420gms of warm water into your bowl, add 10 gms of sugar,  10 gms of yeast and 20 gms of butter. Whiz for 1 min on 37 deg, sp 1. 

Next weigh in 750 gms of bakers flour and 10 gm of regular salt. Wizz it on sp 6 for a quick 7 sec or until the noise changes and the dough is coming together.  Now on interval, sp1 let it knead for 5 minutes. 
While that's happening fill your thermoserver with hot tap water and let it sit and warm up.
I wouldn't recommend leaving thermie alone while the dough was kneading,  it can jump about a bit.  And although mine has never come close to walking off the bench,  you just don't want to risk a $2000 gadget hitting the floor!
Just before time is up tip the water out of the thermoserver and give it a dry and a spray of oil including the lid. When the 5 minutes is up, tip the dough out onto the bench.  It should come out fairly cleanly. Shape it into a ball and press it lightly into the thermoserver, put the lid on and pop it somewhere that's not to cold.  I usually put mine on the stove, it helps me not forget about it!   

After 30 minutes or so it should have risen to fill the whole thermoserver,  if it's quicker then that's fine,  if it's longer that's fine too! 

Tip it out and give it a quick knead to get out all the air that built up inside the dough.
Split the dough into 2 and begin to shape into loaves.  A good way to get a good high loaf is to roll the dough out flat then roll it up into a sausage shape.  After a few goes you'll find what works. But no matter what,  it will taste good in the end!
Put onto a tray lined with baking paper, spray the loaves with cooking spray and cover with glad wrap.

 Let the bread sit somewhere warm to rise to about double is size. 
Now there's some debate as to whether you should put bread into a hot or cold oven.  I like hot.  So I put mine into a 220 deg preheated (obviously take the gladwrap off first!) oven and cook for 20 min or so, nice and brown is great and it should sound hollow when you tap it on the bottom. 

There's a 1000 teeny tweeks and problem solvers that I have in my head,  but it would be overwhelming for you and me to write them all in this space.  But do ask for help if you need it!
Soooo with a few ingredients you can make one of life's simple pleasures, hot fresh bread.  (don't be tempted to cut the bread when it's really hot,  it won't end up nice! Wait until it's just warm.. You can do it ;)  )

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Apricot Bites & Butter Chicken

Well, I was planning on making Cherry Clafoutis and telling you all about it.  But alas a lack of cream put a halt to those plans,  only after I opened the jar of cherries of course!  

So instead I'll share a couple of successes that I have saved up ...
My kids really, really love those little apricot bites that you pay a gazillion dollars for at the supermarket. They are def a sometimes treat, so when I came across a recipe that claimed to be just like them but healthier I had to give it a shot. The fact that they only have 3 ingredients is a mega bonus.
All you do is add 300gm dried apricots, 50gm dates & 100gm of coconut to your thermomix and whiz it on sp 9 for 30 seconds,  but I recommend getting to sp 9 over the space of about 10 seconds. 
What you do with it then is up to you. You could roll into balls the cover in extra coconut (or caster sugar like the shop bought ones), you could press it into a dish lined with baking paper,  refrigerate and chop into bars... This time I made the bars then cut them into little squares.  They went down well with everyone and made a nice little treat in the lunchboxes!

I also went in search of a tastier/spicier butter chicken recipe. We have had the EDC one quite a few times but thought possibly we could do better.
I found this one and gave it a go. It was OK,  the flavor was good although a bit spicy for the kids.  Mind you I couldn't find my teaspoon measure (it was hiding in the bicarb jar!) So I was winging it a bit with the spices. What I missed was the texture of the edc version, which uses cashews to make the sauce thick and luscious.  So next time I will try the spices from the new recipe (minus some of that chilli!) with all the other stuff from the old one.

I have also found a recipe for cashew cream, which can be a replacement for normal cream. . ... which will be great.  I'll let you know how that goes. 
I am off to figure out something for dessert that requires no cream. .... Maybe salted chocolate custard?
... mmmm! 

Happy Cooking!

*Feel free to share any new recipes in the comments or perhaps make a request!*

Monday, June 23, 2014

Melting Moment's & Lemon Chicken

One of the requests when we did this fort nights shopping list was Lemon Chicken...

Being the lazy bum cook I am there was no way I was doing any deep frying of chicken,  but in hindsight that's probably half of the yumminess.

I used this Womans Weekly Recipe

for the sauce.  But first I cooked my rice as per the edc and steamed veg and chopped chicken thighs in the Varoma.
Then chucked all the sauce ingredients in the bowl (after discarding the rice water) and cooked it on varoma temp until varoma temp is reached, I used sp 3.

It was OK enough,  certainly not mind blowingly delicious! Pretty sure I won't be making it again. 

I did have one success today with the melting moments. I am typically not a biscuit maker.  I think maybe I am just making the wrong biscuits,  these were yummy and next time I'll double the recipe. .Once they were all stuck together there was probably 15 biscuits.

I used the biscuit recipe from here, it's a great site to have a look around on,  they're is plenty of recipes I'll be having a go at!   When it came time to make the icing I made some lemon and passionfruit curd from the edc to use ( and what a pity, there's heaps left over! ) is just mixed with some icing sugar before popping in between the biscuits. Pretty fancy yet pretty easy!  You could easily change the icing in between for a change.  Chocolate, orange,  strawberry....nutella??

Friday, June 20, 2014

Cinnamon Tea Cake

This is fast becoming a family favorite.  They even passed on regular type dessert tonight in favor of it.  For some reason though,  it feels weird to make a cake for dessert. . Is it just me? ?

Anyway,  it's an easy recipe quick enough for whenever really! 

160 gm of raw sugar
125gm soft butter
2 eggs
150 gm plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
75gm milk
1tsp vanilla

Preheat oven to 180 and grease and line a 20 cm tin or whatever tin you like, just be aware you may have to change the cooking time.

You can cream the butter and the sugar first or just bung it all in together and mix on sp 5 for a minute or so. .. It's up to you! 
Pour it into a greased and lined tin, sprinkle the top with extra sugar and some cinnamon (no need to be shy about it! ) and bake for approximately 30 minutes or until cooked obviously! 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Pizza biscuits, vanilla essence and a failure!

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday... It usually sees me whipping up a storm preparing for the weeks lunch boxes. ..But I found I had none of the right ingredients for what I wanted to make. .. No baking paper... You know,  one of those days! But...
 I made muesli bars....

I ended up making a batch of pizza biscuits they are a keeper ( I didn't use parmesan or sumac, whatever that is!)  best when you don't burn the crap out of them..

I started my batch of vanilla essence,  I think I put 7 beans in most of a bottle of vodka... It will make great treat at Christmas time.

Dinner was a flopper... it was a sweet and sour meat balls from the meat cook book.  

 It had potential to be nice but it was bitter. ..3 oranges worth of peel in it?  I think I can use the base of the recipe as a start to a great sauce. ..

 Anyway,  lucky we have English muffins in the freezer. .. but we have run out of honey...  argh!

Hope you have more success than I did today!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Banana Cake and the demise of Mr Egg

 Fridays usually sees me at the local primary school that my children attend making a super yummy lunch for all the kids. On offer today was sausage rolls and banana cake.

I managed to whip up 3 bowls of banana cake batter in the Thermie and have it all cooked in about 1 hour ready to head to school. Pretty good going I rekon!

 Heavy cakes like carrot and banana take forever to cook, but I have been making them in my roasting tray and they cook in about 15 minutes which was much better than up to 45. The quicker cooking time means no mega crunchy edges or top crust, its all nice and soft and squishy.....

Banana Cake


  • 180 g raw sugar
  • 110 g Butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 ripe bananas broken into pieces
  • 240 plain flour + 3 tsp of baking powder
  • a pinch salt
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 1/2 tsp Bi Carb Soda
1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees
2. Line your baking dish with baking paper, just squash it in till it fits, the cake mix will sort it out!
3. Put your sugar in your bowl and mill for 10 sec on Sp9
4. Add your banana, eggs and butter and mix on sp 5 for 15 sec
5. Add the remaining ingredients and mix again on sp 5 for 15 seconds, scrap down and give another mix if needed.
6. Pour into your baking dish and cook for approx 15 minutes.
7. If no ones has eaten it by the time its cool you could ice it with a cream cheese icing or maybe lemon? I dusted with icing sugar this time.

Bye Bye Mr Egg

Happy Cooking!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Lemon Tart

Today's yumminess is thanks to a Stephanie Alexander recipe whizzed up in the Thermie. 
Thermie is such a useful tool in the kitchen, you don't have to stick to Thermie recipes like some people might think... 

This lemon tart was very quick and easy to make, it shouldn't be reserved for special occasions!

Lemon Tart


Place 240gms of plain flour, 180gms a unsalted butter and salt into the bowl 10 sec sp 5 or until it looks like bread crumbs. (I never have unsalted butter, I just use normal butter and leave out the salt? No ones ever complained!)
Set to interval speed and add 1 tablespoon of water at a time until the dough just comes together, should be about 2 tablespoons. Don't mix for any longer than need be, less is best!
Tip it out onto the bench and knead lightly until it comes together in a big ball.
Roll it out on a sheet of baking paper until its big enough to fit in your flan tin, the type with the loose bottom. Using the baking paper to help, flip the pastry into the case and press in cutting off any excess around the top. 
Pop it into the freezer for 20 minutes. While its in there pre heat your oven to 200 degrees. 
After the 20 minutes is up, blind bake your pastry for 20 minutes, take it out of the oven then turn your oven down to 160.


Place the peel (no pith, I use a potato peeler) from 3 lemons and 250 gms of castor sugar ( I used normal raw sugar and it was fine) in the bowl and mill sp 10 for 20 or so seconds.
Insert the butterfly and add 6 eggs, give it a quick wizz on sp 4 for a few seconds. Add the juice of the 3 lemons and 160gm of cream, give it another quick mix on sp 4 10 or 15 seconds.

Bringing it together

Pour the lemon mixture into your lovely pastry case and cook for 35 - 45 minutes. Cool in the tin for at least 30 minutes before serving..
Dust with icing sugar or slather in cream...enjoy!

A quick note....
Thank you to everyone thats been following along and letting me know how much they enjoy my posts! One of my first thoughts for this blog was that I wanted to keep it as real as I could. With photography being another love of mine its could be tempting to 'food style' before snapping pics of the final product. But I think that the Internet gives us a skewed view of the world, which translates into us putting pressure on ourselves to be perfect. So in short, my benches may be messy and photos taken with my phone, but you will see things just as they are and just as we eat them. No garnish! 

Happy Cooking!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

5 Seed Bread

 A lazy Sunday began with the girls making us breakfast in bed and that set the tone for the rest of the day...Nothing impressive achieved, movies watched, plenty of baking done..and that's about it!

One of the things I baked today was the 5 seed bread from the EDC. It was an interesting adventure! 
To say that I love baking bread is an understatement, I have been doing it for about 15 years so I feel pretty confident when I get out the yeast ;) 
But somewhere in the middle of this recipe I thought 
'This is never going to work!'
My first problem was, there was a large amount of water in comparison to the flour, the second issue was that it was too much for the bowl and had trouble mixing ( I ended up getting in there with a spatula)  third problem was when it cooked it was WAY to big for my largest bakers tin.
But you know what? It tasted pretty damn good, and the texture was lovely even with all those seeds. 

So to save you and me and our thermies I will write the ingredients out here at 70% of the original recipe and I think that will solve the problem of the over loaded bowl and too big for the tin.

  • 350gm of water
  • 2 tsp of yeast ( or a smidge less, whatever!)
  • 350gm of bakers flour
  • 3/4 tsp of salt, just roughly is fine
  • 35 gm of rolled oats
  • 20gms each of sesame seeds, linseeds, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds
  • 20 gms of honey
  • 20 gms of olive oil
Normally I wouldn't use olive oil in a sandwich type loaf (butter all the way!) reserving it for focaccia or pizza dough but in this case it helped keep the bread strong enough to handle all those seeds.

So, give it a go if your into a grainy bread. Its as good as any you will buy (probably better) and a whole lot cheaper!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Creamy Honey Mustard Chicken with Rice (DAIRY FREE)

 Having a dairy free lad poses its challenges, as you either know or can imagine. 
The thing I miss the most is creamy sauces for pasta or rice but I have been trying to solve that problem.
I guess even if your ok with dairy, heavy cream sauces can leave you feeling yucky and if your watching your weight cream is probably something you would avoid! So this could be for you too.

But before we get to that recipe lets talk about garlic.
My lovely friend Gen (Hi Gen!) dropped in yesterday with a bag of some home grown garlic. I remembered having seen somewhere that Thermie does a great job of peeling I went in search...and found this guide.  I went ahead and gave it a go with Gens Garlic and it worked a treat! I popped all the cloves in a jar and covered them with olive oil. Now they are ready to go whenever I need them. My only suggestion would be to put the timer on, I got a little distracted so my cloves got a little bashed up, but hey, they're still great!

Ok, so heres my recipe for Creamy Honey Mustard Chicken with Rice. Which I must say I am most pleased with! Another cheap and healthy meal to add to our list.
Ok Ok here it is...

Weigh 400gms of some rice you like into the rice basket (I like Medium grain) and give it a wash.
Add 900gms of water to the bowl, add the rice basket and give it a quick wizz on sp 5.
Cook 20min/varoma/sp2 with the Varoma in position
While thats cooking chop and add 4 chicken thighs to the top layer of the varoma, then chop your veg and put them on the bottom layer. Today I used carrot, zucchini and broccoli, you can use whatever takes your fancy or tortures your kids the best ;)

So when thats done, just check the chicken is cooked to be on the safe side, if its not give it another couple of minutes.
Remove the Varoma and put to the side to stay warm, remove the rice basket and pop the rice into your thermoserver.

Tip out the water in the bowl into another container to be used later.
Put an onion and a clove or 2 of garlic into your bowl and chop sp 5. Add a glug of oil and 1/2 a tsp of tumeric. Cook on 100 degrees for 3 minutes.
Add, 50gms of honey, 40gms of mustard, 60gms of cashews, 1 tbsp of stock paste and the reserved water. 
Wizz altogether on sp9 for 1 minute. Done.

Put rice, chicken and veg in your bowl and pour over some creamy sauce.

Thats it! 

Happy Cooking!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Man Risotto aka Tomato and Chorizo Risotto

Risotto used to be something I made as a treat.  All that stirring. Blerk! Since Thermie arrived, risotto has become something I make when I can't be bothered making any thing or there's nothing in the fridge to make anything from.
After a big weekend making coffee for a local cycling event I found myself not knowing (or caring that much! ) what to make us for dinner tonight.  With not much in the fridge I went for an old favorite that has not many ingredients and a flexible recipe so its is easy to make something that will please.

Chop 1 onion and a couple of cloves of garlic in Thermie then add a glug of oil and cook 3 min /varoma/sp 1.
Put in butterfly. Add 400gm of rice (I use medium grain for everything! )  and a chunk of butter. Cook 2min/100°/reverse/Speed 1
Next add half a jar of spag sauce and top up with water to the 2 litre mark. Add 2 or so tablespoons of chicken stock (I use massel), a chopped chorizo and whatever else you've got going. was peas and parsley today!
Cook 17 min/100°/reverse/speed 1.
Let it sit for a few minutes then serve it up with some parmesan cheese. 

So. Damn. Easy.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Steak Pie

Meet Mr Steak Pie, I met him through the EDC (Everyday Cookbook) where he goes under the name Aussie Meat Pie. Sadly, he is no longer with us.....

A bit silly I know! I gave my children 2 googly eyes each and they ran around the house making everyday things come alive! Sometimes when your a non TV watching family you have to get a bit creative ;)  

So, I gave this recipe a try again using rump steak I had found on special. 
I was feeding 7 so I doubled the recipe in a round about fashion...not quite twice the meat and I added extra tablespoon of cornflour because I wanted it thicker. I didn't use the 2 TABLESPOONS??? of Vegemite I used about 1/4 of a teaspoon instead which was much better for our tastebuds.I also put in a big blob of tomato sauce, thats not in the recipe but I think its a great addition. I used thermie shortcrust pastry for the base and a bought sheet of puff for the lid because I had no ice to make my own!

I served it with scalloped potatoes (Mr Dairy Free had his own baked potato) baked the regular way..Sliced potato, onion, sprinkle with good chicken stock, black pepper and pour over 600ml of cream, cover with foil, bake at 180 for at least an hour......and of course some regular steamed veg.

It scored a 7/7 (7 people ate it, 7 people liked it!) 

I don't know why...but I love a good pie!

Happy Cooking!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Spag Bog and our menu.

It doesn't look that great.....but it was delicious!
We don't often make Spag Bog here. The kids don't really like it?? But tonight, it was quick, easy and I didn't have to think to much about it!  I checked out Quirkys recipe and mostly followed it.
I made these changes..
  • I used minced beef
  • no zucchini, used green capsicum and dried herbs
  • I added the semi dried tomatoes in the same step as the veg so they got all chopped up. 
  • no olives, no red wine
  • I added extra water because it all seemed to thick to stir about and cook properly, and I still stopped it and gave it a mix with my trusty spatula a couple of times
  • I also cooked it for an extra 15 minutes and threw in some baby spinach that needed to be used.
 The verdict was that we should defiantly have it again!! Lucky because it made the full 2 litres, which left about half for another meal!!

I was asked recently to share how I do my meal planning. It has made a big difference to the way I shop and makes things run much smoother! It also makes it easier to think in bulk when buying.

Firstly we all decide what we would like to eat for the next 2 weeks. Everyone gets a say and I make sure the kids all get at least one thing they have suggested. I also ask for suggestions for their lunch boxes too.
As I write the meals down I also write what I need to buy to make that meal. I have one column for Aldi, one for Safeway. By keeping it all in the one notebook I can use it to look back on when I need some inspiration and carry it to the supermarket with me. Sounds a big daggy, but it works a treat! 
The notebook hangs about in the kitchen so when we are deciding whats for tea, we look at the book and see what the options are and I can plan ahead if need be.......
Here's this fortnights menu plan
  • Meatloaf with mash and veg                                              
  • Steak Pie and Scalloped Potatoes and veg
  • Pumpkin Soup and bread
  • Veg Curry and Rice
  • Honey Mustard Chicken with rice
  • Chicken Soup and bread
  • Beef and Blackbean Stirfry
  • Risotto
  • Pasta of some sort
  • Mexican beans with poached eggs on toast
  • Muesli Bars
  • Lemon Slice
  • Apricot Balls
  • Fruit Loaf
  • Sausage rolls
Are you the meal planning type? or the winging it type??

Friday, April 25, 2014

Quirkys Paprika Chicken and BUTTER!

Being Anzac Day you would think I should have made biscuits. But I am the worst Anzac biscuit maker EVER! 

So we made a couple of loaves of bread....
Scones with mulberry jam for lunch...
(isn't the color beautiful??)

and we made our own butter! 

Zara loved making the butter too, especially the part where she licked the spatula!

I get an immense kick out of making the normal things we have been buying for years. Pasta, tomato sauce, bread etc. I am always pleased to find another something I can make for myself instead of heading to the supermarket. I have spent a lot of time day dreaming about self sufficiency over the years......
Now I am dreaming of a cow so I can have loads of 
lovely cream to make butter from!

I used the recipe from the EDC, it was so easy and quick! I whipped in 1/2 tsp of salt and 50gms of Rice Bran oil at the end to make it spreadable out of the fridge. We'll be making it again for sure!

Lastly I made Quirky Jo's Paprika Chicken ...recipe here.
I was delicious! I didn't have any Herbamare (or even know what it was!) I just gave the chicken a sprinkle of salt and pepper instead, but have since found a homemade recipe of herbamare here
that I might made in the future. 
So the Paprika Chicken is a winner (I could happily have it minus the meat), lovely and creamy without the cream thanks to the cashews, which will be appreciated by my dairy free lad!
Look what happens when no ones watching!
Happy Cooking!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Peachy upsidedown cake

Tonights dessert/tomorrows lunchbox treat was/is Peach upsidedown cake. 
I have never made a cake like that before, but I had some tinned peaches leftover so I searched the recipe community and this is what I found! 

You can find the recipe I used here.
I am not a cake fan really, but everyone else seemed to enjoy it! 
I served it with vanilla custard from the EDC and put in too much cornflour in AGAIN.....20gms is nice for us..must remember!!

Next time I think I'll try Apple and Cinnamon instead of peaches....

Happy Cooking!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Roast Chicken Dinner Pie and the always delicious Chocolate Pudding

I first made the Roast Chicken Dinner Pie after making a huge roast dinner and everyone coming down with a bug and going to bed early leaving me with a heap of yummy food and no one to eat it!  Re-heating food is never appealing to me for some reason, but wrapping it in pastry is perfectly acceptable! 

This time when I made the roast dinner I cooked heaps of extra vegies just so I could make this pie again, its scrumptious! I used baked carrot, parsnip, sweet potato, onion, 4 cloves of garlic, left over peas, cauliflower and cheese ( this part in the most important!) leftover chicken and gravy.  You could add potato ( I don't like it much!) pumpkin ( my sis in law doesn't like it!) corn, broccoli, beans..... whatever!

First of all pre heat your oven to 180, then make a batch of puff pastry from the EDC and pop it in the fridge. Then make shortcrust pastry from the EDC, roll it out on glad wrap and line your beautiful pie dish (thanks Andrea!) Remove the gladwrap and cover with a sheet of baking paper, fill with rice or beans or pies weights! and blind bake at 180 for 10 minutes, remove paper and weights and bake for another 10.

 Mix all your chopped vegies and chicken and gravy together. 
It shouldn't be too dry, if it is make up some extra gravy or cheese sauce and add it's what mine looked like...
This is just a regular bowl...I didn't chop it using the thermomix!

Pile it into your pie dish... I like to pile it up high!!

Roll out your puff pastry on glad wrap and cover up that yummyness!
I like to cut a big cross in the top to let the steam out. It helps the pastry cook better!
Bake it until its nice and brown and warm inside, approx 30 minutes.

One day you can have some Bonnie! 

Dessert tonight was good Ole' Chocolate Self Saucing Pudding! The same recipe I have always used but I Thermied it for the first time...

  1. Pre Heat oven to 180
  2. using the butterfly on sp 4 cream 1/4 cup of butter ( I just guess!) and 1/2 cup of sugar 
  3. while its running add and egg and 1 tsp of vanilla, give it a scrape down and another quick mix
  4. add 1 cup of SR Flour, 1/2 cup of milk and 2 dessert spoons of cocoa and mix for 1 minute on sp 4 giving it a scrape down if needed.
  5. put mixture into a casserole dish
  6. without cleaning out your jug add 2 cups of hot water, 1/2 cup of sugar and 2 dessertspoons of cocoa and mix on sp 4 for 30 sec. 
  7. tip out onto cake mixture and bake in oven for 30 min or so
  8. add a massive amount of cream and pat yourself on the back while you eat it for making something everyone will love that's wonderfully frugal.....
 Happy Cooking!